Configured brand new goldengate processes for NEW table EWT_RWT_EMP, Started configured replicat, pump and extract. Extract is abended on source oracle Goldengate home,
EXTRACT ABENDED EWTEMP 00:00:00 00:00:02
During initial investigation, we found following error in report file
2014-08-24 15:02:04 INFO-OGG-01517 Position of first record processed Sequence 10140, RBA 500086800, SCN 3230. 3920648400, Aug 22, 2014 1:21:38 PM.
TABLE resolved (entry hr.ewt_rwt_id,emp):
table "HR"."EWT_RWT_EMP", keycols (ewt_rwt_id,emp);
Using the following key columns for source table hr.ewt_rwt_id,emp: ewt_rwt_id,emp
Using the following key columns for source table hr.ewt_rwt_id,emp: ewt_rwt_id,emp
Source Context :
SourceModule : [er.redo.ora]
SourceID: [/scratch/aime1/adestore/
SourceFunction : [REDOORA_handle_format_error(
SourceLine : [9058]
2014-08-24 15:02:04 ERROR OGG-01028 Formatting error on: table name ewt_rwt_id,emp, rowid AADlmAAAHAAIQ6EAAA, XID 12.8.385427, position (Seqno 10140, RBA 500103096). Error converting timestamp with timezone from Oracle to ASCII format for column DISC_DT.
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* ** Run Time Statistics ** *
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* ** Run Time Statistics ** *
Report at 2014-08-24 15:02:04 (activity since 2014-08-24 15:02:04)
Output to u02/app/ggs/trails/bb:
No records extracted.
Added following parameter into extract and restart the extract
EXTRACT RUNNING EWTEMP 00:00:00 00:00:02
started successfully !!
Oracle in-memory !!