Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Migrating Oracle database using Goldengate:

Perform all sanitary operations before we migrate schema / database
and after 

STEP1: Install and configure goldengate on both source and target servers
STEP2: Configure Manager, Extract and pump on source server / goldengate home and Manager, replicat on Target goldengate  home
STEP3: start manager, Extract and Pump on source goldengate home
STEP4:  get scn_number from v$database;
STEP5: Take consistent backup of database / schema using Expdp (Using flashback_scn parameter) which we are trying to migrate 
STEP6: Sftp dumpfile to target server
STEP7: Load the data into the target database 
STEP8: Start replicat with CSN number from step 4 ( we know that SCN number of database is Equal to the Commit sequence number of the database ) 
STEP9: When lag is cleared data is in sync with source database 

—Nikhil Tatineni—
—Oracle In-memory— 

Querys to monitor RAC

following few  Query's will help to find out culprits-  Query to check long running transaction from last 8 hours  Col Sid Fo...